2024-2025 Registration in now Closed
PreK/Kindergarten-5th Grade CCD Fee:
$60/Student Elementary Students
Middle & High School CCD Fee (6th-10th Grades)
$80/ Student 6th-10th Grade Students
11th Grade Confirmation Student:
$100/ Student 11th Grade Students
Required Parent Meeting T.B.T
4K-11th Grade Faith Formation classes meet Sunday mornings 11am-11:50am
*Please note:
First Holy Communion preparation is a 2 year program
Students wishing to make their First Holy Communion should be enrolled during both 1st and 2nd grades
Confirmation is a 3 year program
Students wishing to be Confirmed should be enrolled during Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years.
Catholic school students in 2nd and 11th grades wishing to make their sacraments at Mt. Carmel or for more information regarding Religious Education, please contact:
Mrs. Schweitzer religiouseducation@olmckenosha.com
If you have not already signed up, consider signing up for FORMED. It really has some amazing content for all ages and it is free! There are cartoons for the kiddos, educational programs for teens and adults, as well as great movies on the lives of the Saints. Just yesterday my children and I enjoyed watching St. Joan of Arc. It was full of action and even kept the attention of my 8 year old. Best part, it is free. You can download the app to your smartphone, Android and Apple TVs, and stream all the great content. If you do not have a smart TV, simply connect an HDMI cable from your computer or phone and stream that way.
Simply follow these steps to sign up:
1-go to https://formed.org/
2-click "sign up"
3-select "I belong to a parish or organization"
4-select "parish by name" use "Our Lady of Mount Carmel"
5-enter your email and you're in!
For younger students Holy Heros is a great resource that offers free daily adventures to assist your children on their Lenten journey. We have used many resources from Holy Heros in our home for our little ones.