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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Kenosha, WI
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Anointing of the Sick
Holy Communion
Penance (Confession)
Holy Name Society
Ladies Society
Homily Feast of Holy Family 2024
Homily Christmas 2024
Homily Solemnity of Christ the King Yr B
Homily 33rd Sunday Yr B End Times & Eucharistic Reign
Homily 28th Sunday Yr B: The Fatima Message: The Peace Plan from Heaven
Homily 24th Sunday Yr B: Our Lady of Sorrows, Co-Redemptrix
Homily 22nd Sunday Yr B: Sin Begins in the Heart
Homily 21st Sunday Yr B: Bread of Life, Faith in Real Presence
Homily Ascension Yr B: Christ King & Mary Queen Mother
Homily 3rd Sunday Yr B: Children the world’s most valuable resource
Homily Feast of Holy Family 2023
Homily Christmas 2023
Homily 1st Sunday Advent: This Advent Ask Mary to Lead Us to Jesus through the Rosary
Homily Christ the King Yr A Christ Reigns over All
Homily 26th Sunday Yr A: St. Therese the "Little Flower"
Homily 14th Sunday Yr A: July, Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus
Homily 26th Sunday Yr A: St. Therese the "Little Flower"
Homily Corpus Christi 2023 Belief in Real Presence a Test of Faith
Holy Trinity Yr A: Holy Trinity an Icon for the Family
Homily Pentecost 2023: Who is the Holy Spirit & How Does He Operate in our Souls?
Homily 4th Sunday of Easter Yr A: Good Shepherd Sunday
Homily 1st Sunday Lent Yr A: The Devil Tempts Jesus
Homily 4th Sunday Yr A: Humility: Boast in the Lord, not in Oneself
Homily 3rd Sunday Year A: Sunday of the Word
Homily 2nd Sun. Yr A: Jesus Servant, Savior & Eucharistic Lamb of God
Homily: Epiphany 2023
Homily Jan. 1: Mary Mother of God & Our Spiritual Mother
Homily: Christmas 2022
Homily 4th Sunday Advent Yr A: Mary's 3-Fold Virginity
Homily 2nd Sunday Advent: Jesus Living in Mary/Union of their 2 Hearts
Homily 33rd Sun. Year C: Christ’s 2nd Coming & the Antichrist
Homily 32nd Sun Yr C: Abortion is THE Fundamental Issue
Homily 31st Sunday Yr C: Abortion: THE Fundamental Issue
Homily 29th Sunday Yr C: Pray Always
Homily 25th Sunday Year C: God or mammon
Homily 21st Sunday Year C The Narrow Way/Growth in the Spiritual Life
Homily Ascension 2022: Christ's Kingdom v. the Kingdom of Satan
Homily 3rd Sunday Lent Yr C: Bearing Spiritual Fruit
Homily 3rd Sunday Year C: Life in the Spirit
Homily Christmas 2021: The Mutual Gaze of Jesus & Mary
Homily 3rd Sunday of Advent Yr C: Evil of Abortion/Jesus Living in Mary
Homily 2nd Sunday Advent: Evil of Abortion/Jesus Living in Mary
Homily 25th Sunday Yr B: Love in Service
Homily 24th Sunday Yr B: "Who Do People Say that I AM?" (Jesus v Islam)
Homily Assumption 2021
Homily 16th Sunday Year B: The French Revolution & the 16 Carmelite Martyrs
Homily 14th Sunday Year B: Charles Carroll & the Declaration of Independence
Homily 13th Sunday Year B: Envy: The Devil's Motive to Tempt Us
Homily 3rd Sunday Easter: Being Witnesses to Christ in Our Present Culture
4th Sunday Lent Yr B: Communism & the New World Order
2nd Sunday Lent Yr B: Faith: Transfiguration, Abraham, De Foucauld
Homily 6th Sunday Year B: Prayer of Petition, St. Damien De Veuster
Homily 4th Sunday Year B: Dr. Lejeune, Biden & Abortion
Homily 3rd Sunday Year B: Abortion, the Defining Issue in Our Country
Homily Feast of Baptism of Our Lord
Homily Feast Holy Family: Contemplating St. Joseph
Homily 2nd Sunday Advent: Signs of the End Times/Antichrist
Homily 26th Sunday Yr A: We Learn Humility from Jesus
Homily 24th Sunday Year A: Forgiveness
Homily 13th Sunday June 28: Losing On'es Life for Christ
Homily June 21 Father's Day: All Father's Matter
Homily Holy Trinity Sunday: The Central Mystery of Our Faith
Homily 6th Sunday of Easter: Confirmation Strengthens Us to Witness & Suffer for Christ
Homily Easter 2020: Jesus conquers sin/death & brings us divine life
Homily 2nd Sunday of Lent: The Meaning of Christ's Transfiguration
Homily 1st Sunday of Lent: Satan's Temptations of Jesus
Homily 3rd Sunday Year A The State of Catholic Higher Education
Homily 33rd Sunday Year C Christ's 2nd Coming & the Antichrist
First Sunday of Lent Yr C The Devil & Temptations
Homily 4th Sunday Advent: Mary Mother of Jesus
Homily 3rd Sunday Advent Yr C: Authentic Joy
Homily 2nd Sunday Advent Year C: Jesus Living in Mary
Homily 27th Sunday Yr B Marriage & the Marital Act: Do Not Separate What God Has Joined
Homily 23rd Sunday Yr B Remain Faithful to Christ & the Church
Homily 20th Sunday Yr B Real Presence
Homily 16th Sunday Yr B Why Communion Rails
Homily 13th Sunday Yr B: Faith in Christ
Homily 10th Sun Yr B: The Fall, Redemption & Coredemption
Corpus Christi 2018
Homily 5th Sunday Easter Year B Jesus the Vine
Easter 2018
Homily 3rd Sunday of Lent Year B: 10 Commandments
Homily 2nd Sunday of Lent Year B: Faith Like Abraham's
1st Sunday of Lent The Devil Tempting Christ & Us
Homily 4th Sunday Yr B Opposing an Evil Agenda with the Light and Truth of Christ
Homily 3rd Sunday Year B Friendship with Jesus
Homily Feast of Holy Family
Homily Christmas 2017
Homily 27th Sunday Yr A: Fatima & the Rosary
24th Sunday Year A Forgiveness from the Heart
23rd Sunday Year A: Christ in the Family that Prays
Homily 12th Sunday (Christ's Obedient Heart)
Homily Corpus Christi and the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Homily 5th Sunday Easter
Homily Palm Sunday 2017
Feb. 26, 2017Trusting in God's Providence
Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
The Beatitudes
Christmas 2016
2nd Sunday of Advent
1st Sunday of Advent
Christ the King
On the Antichrist
Pray With Humility
On Voting Responsibilities
On the Feast of St. Therese 2016
On Humanae Vitae and In Vitro Fertilization
Divine Mercy Sunday 2016
Easter Sunday 2016
November 8, 2015 - Stewardship: Solidarity with the Poor
October 18, 2015 Fr. Campbell - The Martins, Married Couple, are Canonized
October 11, 2015 Fr. Campbell - Priestly Celibacy
July 26, 2015 Fr. Campbell - Understanding the Mass
July 12, 2015 Fr. Campbell - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
July 5, 2015 Fr. Campbell - St. Maria Goretti and Purity
June 28, 2015 Fr. Campbell - On True Marriage
June 21, 2015 Fr. Campbell - Father's Day
Audio of homilies can be found on the
Latin Mass page
. Videos of talks posted below.
Series on the Last 7 Words of Christ